Actor Arun Govil, known for his portrayal of Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, launched his election campaign as a BJP candidate on Wednesday. Govil, who addressed his inaugural election rally at the Chaudhary Charan Singh Auditorium in Meerut, was met with enthusiasm from his supporters.
While most of the people present in the auditorium cheered for Govil, seeing him as his on-screen avatar, some were not convinced about the BJP preferring an actor over a seasoned politician.
The auditorium was brimming with an enthusiastic crowd, all eager to witness the actor who essayed the role of Lord Ram on television. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also extended his support to Govil, the BJP’s candidate from Meerut. The auditorium reverberated with chants of “Jai Shri Ram,” while attendees danced to the renowned poet Anamika Ambar’s Rama song.
Though Govil had previously campaigned for the Congress in the 80s, this marks his debut in active politics and his first electoral challenge as a candidate. In his maiden political address, Govil expressed his gratitude for returning to his birthplace and likened it to coming home.
Govil also spoke about Ram Mandir inauguration, saying that after January 22, the feeling of going to Ayodhya had changed. He praised Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for ushering in a change across the state, saying, “There is no king greater than a monk.”
In his first interaction with the voters in Meerut, Govil sought support to surpass the target of 400 seats set by the BJP.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, endorsing Govil, lauded his portrayal of Lord Ram in the Ramayana series and appealed to the electorate to back Govil in the upcoming elections.
Supporters and workers who gathered to see Govil expressed immense enthusiasm. Most of the workers said that they had come to see Lord Ram and would also ask for votes in his name. They pledged to not only attend the rallies but also campaign and vote in Lord Ram’s name.
Shobha Tiwari, a supporter, likened Govil’s return to Meerut to Lord Ram’s homecoming in Ayodhya.
Many women said that Govil addressed the rally in the same manner as he used to play the character of Ram on television.
For the 2024 polls, the BJP decided to field Arun Govil from Meerut, despite the strong political influence of Rajendra Agrawal, a three-time MP from Meerut. Agrawal, on Wednesday, welcomed Govil and pledged full support for the upcoming elections.
However, not everyone is convinced of Govil’s candidature.
Some expressed discontent over Rajendra Agrawal’s ticket cancellation, advocating for a local candidate’s nomination from the seat.
Anoop Raghav, a BJP worker and president of Rajput Mahasabha in Meerut, said that instead of bringing an outside candidate, the party could have given the ticket to a local leader.
“We do not know where Arun Govil will be after winning the elections. He is known as an actor who played the character of Ram while Rajendra Agrawal has created his own image among the people,” Raghav said.
Local councillor Digvijay Chauhan said, “We know Arun Govil only because of his character of Lord Ram and now it has come to light that he is a resident of Meerut.”
Meerut Lok Sabha constituency, considered pivotal in Western Uttar Pradesh, holds significant political sway. The BJP has managed to win the seat in the past three Lok Sabha elections.
It remains to be seen whether Arun Govil, television’s OG Lord Ram, will be able to help BJP retain the Meerut seat in the upcoming elections.