In Tamil Nadu, pictures of leaders from Chief Minister MK Stalin’s party DMK, and former Chief Minister Palaniswami’s party AIADMK have emerged, which was being seen as a new campaign strategy for both parties.

On Tuesday, during an election campaign, AIADMK general secretary Edapaddi Palaniswamy showcased a photo of Stalin and DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin with PM Modi.

Pointing to Udhayanidhi Stalin’s picture with PM Modi, Palaniswamy remarked, “You (Udhayanidhi) are also showing your teeth. When you do it, it’s acceptable, but when I do it, is it wrong?”

Palaniswamy also alleged that it was the DMK, not the AIADMK, which maintained a covert alliance with the BJP.

It all started when Palaniswamy mocked Udhayanidhi Stalin for continuing to campaign with the “AIIMS Madurai” brick in his hand, which he had also used in the 2019 elections to highlight how the Centre was working slowly for the AIIMS Madurai project.

“Stalin’s son has been roaming with a brick for three years. Why don’t you change the script? Change the story. Why do you have to keep showing the brick?” questioned Palaniswamy.

Responding to this AIADMK leader’s remark, Udhayanidhi, during his campaign, displayed an image of a fully smiling Palaniswamy sharing the stage with PM Modi on the day the foundation stone was laid for AIIMS Madurai.

“I am at least showing the brick, but you (Palaniswamy) were showing only your teeth to PM Modi,” Udhayanidhi said.

Published By:

Vadapalli Nithin Kumar

Published On:

Mar 27, 2024

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