Another day, another update about Ranbir Kapoor‘s upcoming project Ramayan. The actor, set to portray the role of Lord Rama in the Nitesh Tiwari directorial, has begun training with his archery coach. In the images shared by a fan page on X (formerly known as Twitter), we see the superstar standing alongside his archery coach. In three out of four pictures, Ranbir has his arm around his trainer’s shoulder. In the fourth shot, the coach is taking a selfie while Ranbir sits on a sofa in the background. Arrows placed on the table provide further evidence of the training session. While captioning the post, the fan page wrote, “RK with archery coach.”
RK with ????archery coach ????????
— Ranbir Kapoor ????❤️ (@Khushali_rk) March 25, 2024
A few days ago, an ETimes report disclosed the name of the actor chosen to act as Rama’s brother, Lakshman in Ramayan. As per the report, “The makers have finally found their Lakshman, and it is none other than TV actor Ravi Dubey.”
Ravi Dubey is known for his work in the TV industry. He has been seen in several daily soaps such as Ranbir Rano, Saas Bina Sasural, and 12/24 Karol Bagh. The star also appeared as a host in many reality shows like Rising Star 2, India’s Best Dramebaaz, and The Drama Company.
Before that, veteran actor Arun Govil, popular for his role of Lord Rama in the 1987 TV series Ramayan, shared his thoughts about Ranbir Kapoor’s upcoming portrayal of the same role. Taking to Bollywood Spy, Arun Govil expressed, “As far as Ranbir is concerned, he is a good actor. He is an award-winning actor. Jitna janta hu mai unke baare mein, bahut mehnat se kaam karte hai vo. Bahut sanskaari bache hai vo basically. Unke andar morals, sanskar, sanskriti hai, maine dekha hai kai baar unko. [From what I know about him, he works very hard. He is basically a very cultured kid. He possesses morals, values, and a deep sense of tradition. I have observed this on multiple occasions.] I am very sure about it that he will try to do his level best. It should come out well.”
Actress Sai Pallavi and KGF star Yash are reportedly set to play the roles of Sita and Ravana in Ramayan.