The renowned education reformist said the end of the hunger strike is the beginning of the new phase of the ongoing agitation. (PTI photo) “The first phase of the...
The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) connected the strategic Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road in Ladakh on Monday (March 25). This 298-km road will connect Manali to Leh through Darcha and Nimmu on...
In an exclusive interview with India Today’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai, climate activist Sonam Wangchuk, who on Tuesday ended his 21-day-long hunger strike demanding statehood for Ladakh and its...
Climate activist and innovator Sonam Wangchuk, called-off his 21-day hunger strike in Ladakh on Tuesday. Wangchuk was on a hunger strike in Leh in Ladakh, demanding statehood for Ladakh...
Sonam Wangchuk, lying under blankets, is surrounded by supporters on the 17th day of his hunger strike seeking protected status for the region’s people, land and ecology in Leh,...